co_LAB – Project & Logo

The Digital Media team have had their FED research bid accepted for a college-wide collaboration project.

co_LAB will be an intensive programme taking place between 12-16 May 2014, featuring additional online content and a number of practice and skills workshops. We will be looking for enthusiastic participants constituting current Level 2 students from across Media Production, Audio Production, Film and Television, Contemporary Lens Media, and Interactive Design.

My personal role in the build-up to the launch of the project is creating the branding and a promotional material advertising the initial meeting for those students interested.

I started with the logo today. I wanted to try and capture a couple of the projects key objectives in the design. I opted for “networking” and “experimental”:


Although I liked the look of some of these, especially the first few, it was only really the “experimental” aspect of the project that was being captured, and I think the “lab” thing was represented a little too literal/scientific.

The “nodes” worked quite well to help with the “networking” aspect, but the arrangement is a little tenuous.

I do really like the font however. It’s clean and clear which should help reinforce that this branding may have to represent a number of projects in the future, each with their own visual identity.


The above features some responses to the issues of the first batch, but if anything, they get it even more wrong. It’s time for a different direction and it’s probably time to drop the conical flask. It doesn’t work for what we’re trying to portray.


Ok so the flask made it into this batch but the top 2 revisions seem to work.

I ran them by the team and we agreed that this could work. We had a vote and decided that (a) was going to be the logo to represent the project.

With the logo decided, it’s now time to get to work on the promotion material and the rest of the branding.